Learn to Attract, Keep and Grow  The Relationships You Desire

For Singles and Couples: Transform Your Relationships in Just 7 Weeks following Teal’s Relationship Vault 2.0
Lifetime access. Risk-Free 30-Days Money Back Guarantee
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Learn to Attract, Keep and Align The Relationships You Desire

For Singles and Couples: Transform Your Relationships in Just 7 Weeks following Teal’s Relationship Vault 2.0
Lifetime access. Risk-Free 30-Days Money Back Guarantee
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Relationships come at a great cost for many people. 
Are you one of them?

  • You often feel alone even when you’re not.
  • ​You have a string of failed relationships that left you doubting your self-worth.
  • ​You seem to attract partners who don't see or respect you.
  • ​Past relationship traumas hinder your ability to connect meaningfully.
  • ​You crave connections that genuinely feel good, but have no idea how to manifest them.
  • ​You long to be seen and appreciated for who you are, not for who others might expect you to be.
You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with these feelings in our romantic, family, and even work relationships. 

So, if you feel dissatisfied with your relationships today, but curious about what you can do to manifest a more secure connection, then you are in the right place

Let’s start here.
Where are you struggling most?


Do you feel like no matter what you do, you just can’t attract the kind of relationship you desire?


Do your relationships start off great but quickly lose their spark?


Craving deeper emotional intimacy in your relationship?
Many of us unknowingly adhere to rigid paradigms about how relationships should look, often limiting our potential for happiness and fulfillment. 

And even though relationships are one of the most important, yet challenging aspects of life, our education system spends years teaching us math, science, geography, and history, but almost nothing about building and maintaining healthy relationships.

So, what if there was a roadmap to help you navigate these challenges and unlock the doors to genuine, authentic love?

Introducing Teal’s most comprehensive relationship course yet, 

Discover the Relationship Breakthrough You Long For

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this 7-week journey will give you the roadmap to:

1. Attract the relationships you long for

2. Keep and deepen existing bonds

3. And Grow relationships you're aligned with, romantic or not.

Enroll today to save 30% off the regular price. 

Don’t Just Dream of Better Relationships—Create Them

If your goal in life is to experience healthier, more fulfilling relationships, give yourself the chance to unlock new levels of awareness within yourself under the guidance of the content in the Relationship Vault 2.0.

 All it takes is curiosity to get started.

Imagine if you could…

Embrace your feminine/masculine energies in a healthy and empowering way that transforms your self-awareness, allowing you to bring your best self to the relationship and inspire your partner to do the same.
Liberate yourself from past relationship trauma and open the door to a happier, healthier present and future.
Stop settling for less and gain the confidence to express your needs and wants without the fear of abandonment.
Learn emotional regulation strategies to stay calm and composed during disagreements, so you can navigate conflict or misunderstandings.
Attract and maintain relationships with people who truly value and love you for who you are.
Recognize incompatible and toxic partners early on, so you can avoid heartbreak or unnecessary turmoil.
Cultivate relationships where feeling secure doesn’t require agreeing on everything.
Strengthen your relationship by consistently communicating in a way that reinforces safety, respect, and mutual support with your partner.

Begin to rewrite your relationship story today. 

Lifetime access to Relationship Vault 2.0 
for limited time!
Price increases in:

Here’s what others are saying:

I've just had some thoughts since going through the course - the best way to cultivate a loving relationship is healing your own relationship to yourself. 
Wow that was great! So I learnt the importance of being authentic, acknowledging different parts of me, and interpreting, in order to attract a genuine, loving relationship.
My favourite part was the segment where Teal talked about being open to being hurt can bring pain but it is also path to finding love

A 7-Week Roadmap to the Relationships You Desire: 

1. Attract the relationships you long for

2. Keep and deepen existing relationships

3. Grow relationships you're aligned with, romantic or not.

Start your journey today and let Teal guide you every step of the way. 


When you enroll in Relationship Vault 2.0, you’ll also receive Teal’s Specialized Roadmaps To Healthy Masculinity and Femininity (valued at $149)

These roadmaps are designed to address specific gender-related challenges, offering a balanced understanding of relationship dynamics.  

What You'll Get:
  • Master Masculine / Feminine Energies: Understand how each energy impacts your relationships and what to do to consciously embody your masculinity or femininity in a healthy way.
  • Gender-Specific Insights: Uncover the key factors that influence your relationship behaviors and dynamics.
  • 12 In-Depth Modules: Explore extensive content tailored to address your unique challenges and needs.
  • ​Reflective Exercises: Engage in thought-provoking activities designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your relationships.
  • 2 Bonus Guided Meditations: Experience powerful meditations to support your journey towards integrated masculinity and femininity.

Try Teal’s Relationship Vault 2.0 risk-free

This is likely not your first time trying to figure out a way to improve your relationships. And you're probably skeptical about this, and you should be. 

There is a lot of fluff advice and teachings out there that only make the situation worse by teaching you how to mask or ignore your pain. This is not the case. We completely understand if you're hesitant to try something without knowing what you're getting first. 

That's why the Relationship Vault comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

If for any reason you don't find the Relationship Vault helpful, or if it doesn't live up to your expectations, just let the team know and we'll refund your investment.

The time has come to break the current relationship paradigms. 

To break the molds. The time has come to design new and different creative arrangements. We are being called to re-invent how we have relationships. We are being called to change the way that relationships look. We are being called to do away with our rigidity regarding how relationships should and shouldn’t be and who they should and shouldn’t be with.

Teal Swan

If you are tired of getting stuck in toxic relationships…

If you’ve had your heart broken one too many times…

If you struggle to find your place within your family or get along with co-workers…

It can be difficult to believe your relationships can be better.

But I promise you this: 

What you manifest will drastically change when you expand your idea of relationships beyond what it is today. 

It only takes a small shift in perception to break through the fear and patterns that make relationships painful. 

And that’s how the Relationship Vault 2.0 works. 
Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

Teal Swan is an international speaker and teacher committed to surmounting human suffering. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
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Transform Your Relationships in Just 7 Weeks

Lifetime access. Risk-Free 30-Days Money Back Guarantee

You’ll also find every Q&A video from Teal’s Relationship Vault 1.0 in the Bonus Library

This is a collection of all of Teal's exclusive teachings on relationships. Use this wealth of relationship advice to identify and break through toxic relationship patterns, heal trauma and begin to manifest deep, meaningful connections.

It contains 11 hours of Teal’s teachings shared with live audiences during Synchronization workshops, live Q&A events, interviews and podcasts, mirror events, and more.

Your life here on this planet will only be as good as the quality of your relationships, so…

Imagine healthier, happier and stronger relationships without compromise

We thrive when we have strong, supportive relationships. On the flip side, our lives can be quite difficult when our relationships are not going well. This is why it is so important to put effort into developing and maintaining the quality of our relationships.

This is the ultimate mission of the Relationship Vault 2.0.

Sign up now for  $497 and start your transformation journey towards happier and stronger relationships.

Transform Your Relationships in Just 7 Weeks

Lifetime access. Risk-Free 30-Days Money Back Guarantee

Who is the Relationship Vault 2.0 for?

And answers to other important questions
Transform Your Relationships in Just 7 Weeks following Teal’s Relationship Vault 2.0
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